Easy Weight Loss at Home, The Natural Way

There is certainly no end to the diet products being sold, and the weight-loss industry is booming. But many overlook a safe, reliable easy weight-loss approach they can try on their own. The only long-term solution to get rid of unwanted pounds is by changing your diet. Americans especially have to move away from fats and empty carbohydrates and towards healthier food choices. Losing weight and keeping it off can be as simple as eating more fruit.

Why fruit?

Nature shows us the right choice if we can step back and take a look. Fruit trees have an interest in giving us something healthy to eat because they gain a benefit - their seeds get spread into new areas. Their strategy has evolved into providing us mobile mammals with something good to eat. That's why fruit is so yummy. There is another function though - when fruit lies on the ground, it rots and provides nutrients to the soil for the seeds it contains. That's a lot to ask from a plant, but fruit trees manage it.

Losing weight by diet shifting towards fruit takes advantage of these natural gifts. Fruits contain sugars that make them flavorful, anti-oxidants, and vitamins. By adding fruit you increase your soluble fiber and don't eat the stuff you know you shouldn't. That makes losing weight at home with fruit worth looking into.

Calorie shifting to lose weight at home

Altering the diet with calorie shifting is simply exchanging good calories for bad. A slice of white bread has a hundred calories... and so does an apple. The apple, however, contains fiber and other goodies - and the bonus is that the apple satisfies, while the bread doesn't fill you up at all. Along with the vitamins and anti-oxidants the apple has, there is a side benefit. Eating fruits speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight at home even when there is a bit of cheating going on.

The competition between naturally sweet fruit and man-made refined sugar can't be ignored however. It takes time to overcome processed sugar addiction. Adapting to the normal levels of sweetness and flavor found in fruits can take a week or two. Until you've moved away from artificial sweeteners and refined sugars, the real taste of fruits won't be appreciated.

Honey is a useful substitute for most uses and has health benefits of its own.
Another important consideration is availability. For calorie shifting and at home weight loss to work, fruits have to be handy. They work best with a type of grazing method - small meals supplemented by fruit that is readily available. This is actually a more natural way to eat - instead of the twice a day gorging that is our habit.

Even more benefits

Calorie shifting with fruit leads to more than just weight loss. Reducing fats and carbohydrates means lower blood pressure, healthier circulation and reduced cholesterol counts. The immune system is improved and the at home weight loss is sustainable - no more back and forth with the pounds that come off one month and jump back on the next.

The types and varieties of fruits available make it easy to get many different tastes and textures in your diet. Calorie shifting with fruit has a sense of adventure about it. Take some time to play with the more exotic types and try out the full menu. As your tastes change, you will come to appreciate the more subtle flavors and qualities. And best of all, fruits are one of the few things available that not only taste good, but are actually good for you-  

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