3 Affordable Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Deep Acne Scars

If acne is constantly bringing you down, you probably need to change a few things in your routine. Acne can be caused by a myriad of factors such as diet, lifestyle and even products that you use to clean your face on a daily basis. It doesn't just affect teenagers these days as it can also affect adults well into their 30s or 40s.

Tired of staring at your deep acne scars that just won't go away? If you're looking for home remedies that can help you lighten those unsightly acne scars and at the same time help you get healthy glowing skin, read on to find out more

What exactly are acne scars?

Acne scars are marks or spots that develop after a pimple has dried off. These scars are often caused by an increase production of melanin in the skin after a zit or blackhead has been popped. While some scars are just discolorations, there are others that are serious and create pock marks in the skin.

Although having acne scars can't really be considered as a serious condition, it can cause serious emotional damage to those who have them. Fortunately, there are remedies that can lessen the dark pigmentation in the skin and give your skin a healthy even glow.

Vitamin E capsules

One of the most effective ways to lighten deep acne scars is to apply vitamin e oil onto them. These capsules won't just revitalize your skin, but it can also fight free radicals with its antioxidant component. Just break the capsule open and apply the oil to the affected area at least once every day. The best time to do this would be nighttime so be sure to include it in your before bed beauty routine.

Citrus juice

Another way to lighten deep scars is to apply citrus extracts on to the affected area. Lime or lemon juice contains citric acid that can fade out even scars effectively. All you need to do is to squeeze some juice into a piece of cotton and dab the extract to your face. Don't forget to moisturize right after as citric acid can dry sensitive skin. Citric juice is strong enough to whiten even stubborn dark spots like elbows and knees so don't forget to apply the juice to these areas if you want an even complexion.

Milk and Honey Mask

If you're looking for a pampering home remedy for acne scars, then you'll probably love this milk and honey mask. Milk and honey combined can act as a natural exfoliant that will brighten your skin. Just mix equal parts of milk and honey together, apply on to your face, and let the solution sit for at least 20 minutes, do this at least twice a week if you want to lighten deep scars safely.

To get clear skin, you need to make sure to put some extra effort into it. With the right ingredients and the proper technique, you'll be making your own deep acne scars in no time -  Sherell Reinick

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