10 Effective Home Remedies for Eye Flu (Pink Eye)

Eye flu is the infection of the eyes. It is also known as conjunctivitis or the pink eye. It causes sore eyes. The thin transparent membrane over the white part of the eyes gets inflamed. The blood vessels present swell up, and therefore the redness occurs. The severity of the infection varies from one person to another.

This flu is normally present with other respiratory infection symptoms. It is highly contagious and spreads from one person to another easily. It can be caused by a bacteria or virus. It is difficult to tell whether it is cause by bacteria or whether it is viral. Children are more vulnerable to this infection.

The cause for getting this flu could be due to the weather. It is a common problem in cold weather and in rainy seasons. Other reasons could be due to some allergy, smoke, pollution, swimming pools and chemicals. The virus which causes the eye flu is the same virus which causes common cold and cough. So depending on the way in which the virus has been transmitted, one gets the infection. If the person with this virus rubs or touches his hands to the eyes, the person gets the eye flu. Similarly, the bacteria causing this flu are the same bacteria responsible for ear infections.

The symptoms are redness of the eye, itching, discomfort, swelling, pain, discharge, stickiness and sensitivity to light. In some severe cases, it can affect the vision too.

Viral infections do not respond to antibiotics. However for the flu caused by bacteria, there are antibiotics and ointments for treatment. Some home remedies for the eye flu can aid in giving relief from the burning and inflammation. Some of the home remedies are:

1. Potato: Cut a potato and place the slice over the eyelids.

2. Rose Water: Put one or two drops of rose water as eye drops. This will help clear the eye.

3. Tea Bags: Moist Chamomile tea bags can be placed on the eyelids for relief.

4. Coriander: Take coriander leaves and boil. Cool and strain the liquid. Use this as an eyes wash.

5. Marigold: Infusion can be made to use for washing the eyes.

6. Compress: Dip a small towel or cloth in water. Squeeze out the water and place this cloth on the eyes for relief.

7. Juices: Mix spinach and carrot juice. Drink this regularly.

8. Goldthread leaves: Soak the goldthread leaves in water. Stain and use this for washing.

9. Indian gooseberry: Drink the juice of Indian gooseberry.

10. Triphala: This is a well known Indian ayurvedic remedy. Soak triphala and strain. Use this for washing or consume triphala powder with water.

Do not rub or strain your eyes. It is best not to share towels, hankies and other personal things. If you have the flu, refrain from sharing linen, pillows and your sunglasses. Avoid close contact and wash hands regularly. Wash eyes with cool water. Wear dark glasses so as to keep dirt away. Use a clean sterile cotton ball dipped in warm water to clean the discharge. Increase your immunity by eating healthy food and exercising. James E Napie

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